
Our services are built to suite our members needs when ever and where ever!

Savings, Certificate and IRA’s

Credit and Debit Cards

Drafts Accounts

Mobile Banking

Miscellaneous Services


Travel and Gift Cards

Shared Branching and ATM’s

Let us help you get your dream home with our MORTGAGE Programs. Fill out the Short Application below and someone will contact you within shortly. Note: CN/IC Employees Credit Union does not offer mortgages through our credit union, but we have provided a link to a credit union backed mortgage provider.

Contact Us

Phone: (901) 332-2686
Fax: (901) 332-1197
Hours: Monday thru Friday

9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Central Standard Time)

Physical & Mailing Address:
2005 Nonconnah Blvd. #7
Memphis, Tennessee 38132

Credit Union located just 10 minutes (6.5 miles) from Harrison Yard.