“Serving the employees of CN Railroad, Illinois Central Railroad, and Amtrak since 1932.”
See our complete Field of Membership list. If your employer is not currently providing credit union membership as a benefit to its employees, ask them to contact us at 901-332-2686 or info@icecu.net to find out how to add credit union membership to their benefit package.
CN/IC Employees Credit Union is committed to improving the quality of life of its members by providing the best financial services within the realm of sound business practices.
This Credit Union is owned and controlled by its members; is service oriented and dedicated to providing services in an efficient, convenient and friendly manner.

Contact Us
Phone: (901) 332-2686
Fax: (901) 332-1197
Email: info@icecu.net
Hours: Monday thru Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Central Standard Time)
Physical & Mailing Address:
2005 Nonconnah Blvd. #7
Memphis, Tennessee 38132
Credit Union located just 10 minutes (6.5 miles) from Harrison Yard.